Page updated: 09.04.2018
This was a busy time for Bob Morris. Having hooked up with Pappy Bailey a few years before, the team went to many tracks around the Atlanta area. Bob kept a logbook that is not at all complete but has some dates and information to keep the history moving. There were at least 5 different cars Bob was driving in the mid to late 50’s.

03.03.1957 / Dallas Speedbowl / 1st heat, 1st Cons, 10th final, generator bracket broke, ran hot at 24 laps / 50 laps / 10 points. / #27 Red Ram Dodge
Dallas Georgia Speedbowl / 1955


Rumored the stands are still in the woods next to the left of the houses / mobile homes.

04.13.1957 / Toccoa Speedbowl / 2nd heat, 4th Feat, lost 2 laps from pile up / 50 laps / 45 points. / #27 Red Ram Dodge
This was perhaps the winningest car Bob ever drove. It was a Dodge Coronet with a Red Ram Hemi engine. The car was owned by Harry Sullivan. It was an ex-Nascar racer.

04.26.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / 2nd heat, 2nd Cons, tore up transmission / 18 points
06.26.1957 / Peach Bowl / 2nd heat, 3rd Cons, 7th final / 25 Laps / 41 points / #27 Red Ram Dodge
06.28.1957 /#26 / Peach Bowl Speedway / 3rd heat, 2nd Cons, broke axle in Feat / 25 laps / 278 points 06.29.1957 / Canton Speedway / 2nd heat, 3rd Cons, 2nd Feat / 50 Laps / 190 points / #27 Red Ram Dodge
07.03.1957 / Peach Bowl Speedway / 4th heat, 3rd Cons, 5th final / 25 laps / 105 points / #27 Red Ram Dodge 07.04.1957 / Peach Bowl Speedway / 3rd heat, 3 Cons, 5th final / 25 Laps / 327 points / #1 07.10.1957 / Peach Bowl Speedway / 4th heat, 2nd Cons, 4th Feat. / 25 Laps / 131 points / #1
The #1 was a 1950 Ford owned and built by Clyde Henslee (pictured). Clyde eventually became Bob Morris’s Father-in-Law. The two log entries above show Bob Morris driving this car at the Peach Bowl. Pics below were taken on April 9th 1957.

Bob Morris

07.12.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / Blew engine / 340 points / Pappy Bailys car
07.19.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / 1st semi, wreck / 369 points / Pappy Bailys car
07.19.1958 Winning at Peach Bowl.

Unknown date at Peach Bowl.

07.20.1957 / Canton Speedway / 3rd heat, 3rd dash, 1st Feat, mid season Championship /100 laps / 280 points / M.A.R.C. / #27 Red Ram Dodge
According to logs, Bob raced a car #3 at the Peach Bowl in mid 1957. Nothing is known about this car at this time other than the one log entry below.
07.26.1957 / #3 / Peach Bowl / 5th heat, 2nd semi, wreck / 25 laps / 374 points / Pappy Bailys car
07.27.1957 / Canton Speedway / 1st heat, 2nd cons, 1st feat / 50 laps / 380 points / M.A.R.C. / #27 Red Ram Dodge
08.02.1957 / #25 / Peach Bowl / left rear wheel picking up / 25 laps / 379 points / Pappy Baily's car
This is the #25 from the above log entry. Pappy Bailey owned this car. Bob and Jack Morris shared the driving duties. Not sure of the date of the rollover. This happened at the Peach Bowl. Jack Morris was driving the night the rollover happened. Bob Morris is left, Jack Morris on the right.

08.09.1957 / #3 / Peach Bowl / 5th Heat, 6th Cons, wrecked in final / 25 laps / 384 points / Pappy Bailys car
08.10.1957 / Whip O Will Speedway / 4th heat, 1st cons, 2nd final / 20 laps / #27 Red Ram Dodge
08.10.1957 / #27 / 4th heat, 1st dash, 2nd final / 20 laps
Track was in Carrollton Georgia
Located at: 33 35 57N / 85 04 51W
Whip - O - Will Speedway / 00.00.1955
No longer exist, is now an Engles grocery store building and parking lot


08.16.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / 5th Heat, 2nd Cons, 4th Final / 25 Laps / 444 points / Pappy Bailys car
08.30.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl/ 5th heat, Rolled in final / 25 laps / 449 Points / Sonny Mann owned

Bob Morris / Pappy Bailey / Sonny Mann

09.06.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / 5th heat, 16th Cons. / 25 laps / 454 Points / Sonny Mann owned
09.15.1957 / Dallas Speedbowl / 2nd Cons, 1st final / 50 laps / 430 points / #27 Red Ram Dodge
09.20.1957 / Peach Bowl / lost transmission in heat race / 459 points / Sonny Mann owned / #26
There was also a car number #31x depicted in logs. Nothing is known about this car other than what was written in one log entry.
09.20.1957 / #26 / Peach Bowl / lost transmission in heat race / 459 points / Sonny Mann owned
09.20.1957 / Peach Bowl / 14th / #31x
10.20.1957 / #27 / Peach Bowl / 1st heat, 1st final / 50 Laps /